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to understand the past, contextualize the present, and envision the future.
Enroll in our latest online course:
Radicle Methodism: Back to our Roots
In this four module course, head back to the roots of Methodism and trace the growth of the connection. This FREE course includes a leader guide, video modules, discussion questions, and readings. It's perfect for small group study! Enroll below and rediscover the "radicle" of Methodism!
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More swag to come!
GCAH Podcast:
Un-Tied Methodism
Check out our monthly podcast, Un-Tied Methodism, where we unravel the past to make sense of today!
Connect with your local Historical Society!
The Historical Society of The United Methodist Church promotes interest in the study, preservation, and dissemination of the history and heritage of The United Methodist Church and its antecedents. It works to enlist the support and cooperation of commission on archives and history (or equivalent) at the annual conference, jurisdictional conference, and general Church levels as well as other interested agencies and organizations in the promotion of the historical interests of the Church.
"...education should be considered in no other light, than as the art of recovering [all] to [their] rational perfection,"
- John Wesley, "On the Education of Children"