Racism in the System

In this premiere episode, Ashley chats with Rev. Dr. Erin Beasley and Rev. Dr. Taylor Tenyer about the roots of racism in the United Methodist Church exploring the following:

How was racism built into the Methodist system in the past within the US (Rev. Dr. Beasley) and globally (Rev. Dr. Tenyer)? How does it still exist in our current denominational structure(s)? What’s the difference between racism and colonialism?

Are there prideful moments in our past when it comes to race both in a US context and globally?

John Wesley might be considered an anti-racist in his time given his staunch stance against slavery, his willingness to call out the comfortable lifestyle of white British elite, and his overt inclusion of marginalized persons. How does 21st century United Methodism reclaim this? Are we? John Wesley also called for spreading scriptural holiness across the lands -- how do we do this in a non-colonial way?

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